peter day



She entered the telephone business office hurriedly, glanced about, and seeing all the employees busy, walked impatiently back and forth on the polished linoleum floor.

"Shall I have to wait much longer?" she asked one of the cashiers after a few minutes.

"I don't think so, madam," the cashier answered pleasantly. "Won't you be seated?"

"Oh, no thanks!" the impatient one said irritably.

She walked the full length of the long office, looking scrutinously at each employee, busy at his desk with a subscriber. She was a distracting influence to all, because of her unusual behavior and personal attractiveness.

When she neared the manager's desk, and he saw her clearly, he was disturbed by an interior vision in which she played a shadowy part. Surely he had seen her before? . . . But where?... He wishes she'd stop that prancing, she made him so nervous he could scream. While he held the telephone, waiting for information from the accounting department, he could not take his eyes off her.

"She is rather captivating," the subscriber at his desk said, aware of his distraction.

"Yes," he said, pretending indifference, as he put the telephone in its cradle. "There is an error in your account, Miss Sheridan."

"Oh, I was sure of it! And I knew you would find it in no time." She touched his hand coquettishly, and involuntarily he shivered.

While he was correcting the bill, he glanced about at his assistants, hoping for an indication that one of them would soon be free to wait on the impatient one, who restlessly took off her fur coat and yellow scarf and threw them on a chair.

He worked slowly on Miss Sheridan's bill, wishing she could be detained by small talk. But she was a middle-aged business executive who said she admired his efficiency and courtesy. He could delay no longer over her bill.
